Couple who has 87 years of marriage

At a time when very few resist marriage time, the 107-year-old Karam and his wife, 100-year-old Qatar Chand, proving that Indian ekziston.Cifti eternal love, which has 8 children and 28 grandchildren, 87 yearsmarried the longest period known for a man and a woman together.

The couple says that the key to success lies in caring for each other in every possible way.

"I always make my wife laugh. This is my way of being romantic. They say that laughter prolongs life and being that we are still alive, must be true. I love my wife and would like to live 80 more years, "said Karam.

While Qatar says: "I ​​always take care good cook, prepare healthy foods. We are vegetarians and we have always consumed fresh vegetables. "

Now the couple expects Guinness to formalize their record. Current record is a 82-year marriage.